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SANA community involvement at Gongo

SANA believes in working with the community to achieve conservation aims.


To ensure that the goals of it's conservation restoration projects are successful, SANA

involves the local community at Gongo village.













SANA  provides information about the projects

and requests their support during implementation while also aiding village development.


SANA has implemented projects in education, empowerment and conversation programs that

have transformed the lives of over 2,000 people around the Saadani National Park.


The village community continue to support the Protection of the Gongo forest against encroachment.




To help continue this support please donate.


SANA believes supporting the Communities find alternative and sustainable ways of earning income is key to ensure their participation in Conservation.

We facilitate Communities efforts in  projects initiation and sustainability through voluntary services and donations.


Projects that have received support from SANA include organic agriculture of vegetables run by women group of Matipwili village. 


In the efforts to improve Community health, friends of SANA built a dispensary for the Gongo village that was completed in 2014 and started running under the government supervision. 


SANA has also helped the Community get a water well to reduce problem of lack of water facing the community and has formed partnership with Malkia Honey Limited in facilitate community beekeeping project.


We are looking forward to see more projects and growing partnerships between the community, SANA and other entities with the same theme and together to reduce the engagement of the communities into charcoal and logging business.


The initiative to support education aims at exposing the younger generation to a world of wider possibilities. The goal is to introduce youth to future career options that will reduce their need to become involved in the destruction of the environment. It started in 2008 with sponsorship of eleven secondary school students from Saadani village whose family could not afford paying for them. Gongo and Matipwili villages were later added into the program. 
















The efforts have been extended to support the village schools of Saadani with desks enough for 200 children, solar power system to help the school use visual methods of teaching, daily morning porridge for all children, 160 text books for Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Geography, History, Kiswahili and English, stationeries and sports materials such as volleyball, net and balls.





SANA have also been organizing school events for students to have fun and meet different professionals among friends of SANA. Here, games, sports and academic challenges are done.


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