The SANA volunteering program, gives volunteers, students, interns, and sustainable travellers from across the world a rare opportunity to experience local opportunities, systematically explore communities' assets and collaborate with local people to build and implement community's vision, one village at a time. The program integrates conservation, tourism and volunteering domains to create value for local communities.

Gongo village is located in the southwest part of Saadani National Park. The village was officially established in 2009 and it has a population of about 2000 people, the majority being from the Wadoe tribe. The majority of villagers from Gongo village engage themselves in pineapple farming.
Endowed with Natural beauty, Gongo village neighbours the majestic Zaraninge Forest, a coastal monsoon forest surrounded by lowland wooded grassland. The village also harbours the Kikwati wildlife corridor which provides a pathway for animals migrating from Saadani National Park to the Wami river in search of water catchment areas and pasture.